ADHD Coaching
An ADHD coach is a person who works one-on-one with a client who is facing the daily challenges of ADHD and executive functioning. Together, they identify the trouble areas, set attainable goals and develop effective strategies to meet them. The coach’s role is to help the client reach their goals in a positive, encouraging, supportive and non-judgmental manner. The process is collaborative and action oriented.
What is the Coaching Process?
We will help you understand ADHD and Executive Functioning challenges including how these are brain-based and neurological in nature. You will learn which strategies work for you, which one's don’t, and how to develop positive and productive habits that will last a lifetime. Although these issues are as brain-based as diabetes, we know that by changing our mind, thoughts, and behaviors we impact our brains; thus moving toward self-reliance. This is not therapy, we give concrete ideas on how to reach goals, we don’t just talk in theory.
The coaching process starts with an intake to identify strengths and areas of concern. We will also identify both long and short term goals. The intake is with the team, the student and the paying party. Then it is time for action—the coaching starts off at 5 days per week, 10-15 minutes per day through phone calls and/or secure video call. With the exception of the first session, each session follows the same format based on the acronym REAP (Review, Evaluate, Ahead, Plot). Coaching gradually decreases in frequency as goals are met, until the coach is no longer needed. We work with persons 9th grade and higher.
Are You Ready for Coaching?
We have found that people with poor organization and weak time management skills are ideal candidates for coaching, but not everyone is ready for coaching. Although parents may want their student to participate in coaching and recognize its benefits, the student must be willing to be involved and ready to take charge of their own lives and academic goals. They need to have the desire to change, even if they do not know how to get there. We build on strengths and minimize weaknesses. Coaching is affordable; it’s less than the cost of a movie and popcorn.
Our ADHD coaching is led by our coaching Specialist, Margot Vetrovsky. You can learn more about Margot on our "Meet the Team" page.
Coaching Forms
Pricing and Informed Consent for ADHD Coaching STUDENT
Pricing and Informed Consent for ADHD Coaching ADULT